Active Monitoring of the Infrastructure
Project funded by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca under the program of industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 areas of specialization identified by the PNR 2015-2020.
Progetto ARS01_00353
CUP B16G18000300005 RNA – COR 1933271
MAIA goal is to provide a suite of integrated services for real-time safety and security evaluation of railway infrastructure.
In particular, MAIA will focus on the realization of innovative solutions based on the acquisition of a relevant data range, wider and more heterogeneous with respect to the current practice, and on the construction of integrated situational pictures for the protection, resilience and diagnostics. It will leverage advanced visualization methods (VR, AR, mixed reality, multi-sensorial interaction), aiming at:
- enabling the remote management of the infrastructure, reducing the number of operators on the field;
- real-time sharing of the data, providing additional information to the operators and letting them perform their activities more efficiently;
- managing security and resilience of the railway infrastructure
The project plans to define new methodologies, modalities and tools to overcome traditional approaches, evolving and integrating sensor technologies and ICT in order to, on the one hand, to make available all the information acquired from the field and, on the other, to give back knowledge and insights deriving from sophisticated integrated processing (e.g., for preventive maintenance or to anticipate and handle possible threats or flaws).
In the context of the project, ResilTech will provide its expertise many activities, some of which are:
- identification of cyber-physical threats affecting systems for diagnostics, protection and resilience of railway infrastructure
- definition of an innovative methodology for the qualification of real-time OS for critical IoT and embedded systems, according to safety and security standards
- definition of new solutions of Model-Driven Engineering for the interdependency analysis and the prevention of cascading effects
- safety and security evaluation based on identification of attack paths, effects, possible failures and propagation
- development of detection sensors for cyber threats
- definition of a multi-layer solution for the the processing and fusion of sensor data
Sostegno finanziario dell’Unione Europea
Contributo diretto alla spesa: 300.120,00 €