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    Innovative processes and technologies for the Protection of digital IDentities and personal information on the Network.

    01/04/2017 – 31/12/2019
    PON 2014/2020

    ProtectID operates in the context of secure management of Digital Identity, and in particular aims at providing a set of services and innovative solutions for the protection of privacy and personal information shared on the network.
    The project takes into account the European regulation, eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature), and the subsequent implementation in the Italian landscape, the so-called SPID (Public System of Digital Identity). Then, it proposes alternatives and improvements to the current available models, in order to support evolved usage scenarios of Digital Identity.

    Thus, the main results of the project are:

    • Evolved usage scenarios of Digital identity, and case studies concerning the e-Commerce sector;
    • Innovative models and services for the management of privacy policies and personal data sharing;
    • Models, techniques and innovative services for the analysis of risks and threats connected to Digital Identity, its usage and management;
    • New models and services for the management of security targeted to Identity Providers (IdP), in particular referring to techniques of multi-biometric continuous authentication of the users;
    • Models, techniques and services for frauds identification, and analysis of the massive amount of transactions existing between users and services (using methodologies and approaches typical of Big Data);
    • A smart system for security assessment and risk rating of service providers;
    • Prototypes of social digital identity.

    In the context of the project, ResilTech will be involved in the research and experimental development of solutions for multi-biometric continuous authentication. Related to this topic, we will trace the current state-of the art; define and analyze requirements and application scenarios; design models and architectural solutions; prototype and develop new solutions. Finally, the activity will be concluded with a simulation of application scenarios, together with Verification and Validation of the proposed approaches.